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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How To-30: "How to Write a Tetactrys Poem"

How to Write a Tetactrys Poem

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

A Tetactrys Poem is a five line, structured poem that is easy to write.


  1. Think of a topic for the poem or use one supplied for an assignment.
  2. Write down as many words as possible related to the topic.
  3. Pick a one syllable word to be the first line of the poem.
  4. Pick a two syllable word or two one syllable words for the second line of the poem.
  5. Pick a three syllable word or a combination of words to add up to three syllables for the third line of the poem.
  6. Pick a four syllable work or a combination of words to add up to four syllables for the fourth line of the poem.
  7. Look at your list of words that have not been used yet and look at the first four lines of the poem to see what is missing.
  8. Create a ten syllable line for the last line of the poem.
  9. Choose a title for the poem based on the five lines. There should be a theme that pops out that may or may not be the original topic.


  • Remember each line of the poem has a different number of syllables. The first line has 1. The second line has 2. The third line has 3. The fourth line has 4. The fifth and final line has 10 syllables.
  • Clap your hands to count the syllables in each line to make sure you have the correct count.
  • Make sure the final line of the poem ties the whole poem together.


  • Don't count the title as one of the lines of the poem, even if it is one syllable long.

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Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write a Tetactrys Poem. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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