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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How To-27: "How to Write a Tyburn Poem"

How to Write a Tyburn Poem

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

A Tyburn poem is a unique form of poem, consisting of 6 lines. Its structure depends on using syllables in a specific way. The first four lines must consist of 2 syllable words and the last two lines must consist of 9 syllables: 2,2,2,2,9,9 syllables. Have a try and enjoy it!


  1. Write the first four lines. The first through fourth lines are 2 syllable words that describe whatever your poem is about. They all have to be different, and they all must rhyme.
  2. Write the last two lines. The last two lines are nine syllables (whew!) and the sixth through eighth syllables must be the words you used from lines 1 through 4. In any order, but it has to be those words. The last two lines have to rhyme with each other, but not necessarily with the first four lines.
  3. Try to take a second, and vizualize your topic, and imagine that you're doing it, or being with it, or whatever. You should do that before anything else. Then just sit in a relaxed place, where there's not too much to disturb you, and just let your mind flow down into your arms (hopefully not literally), down to your hands, and just out through your pencil, to the creases of your paper. It really does work! Good luck!


  • Getting to be really good at writing poetry takes a really long time, so don't expect to get it perfectly right the very first time. If you really enjoy it, you might want to consider an occupation that involves it. But keep in mind that poetry is not for everyone.


  • Don't get too stressed out over writing poetry. If you do, then it will just make it harder to write, and prevent you from really writing from the heart
  • Try not to do poetry at the last minute because you will usually not do as good as a job as you would if you worked on it a little bit each night, or more, if it inspires you.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil/pens/erasers - these are very important!
  • A nice, peaceful, quiet place
  • Something to write on (paper, cardboard, etc.)
  • An open and waiting mind

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write a Tyburn Poem. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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