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Monday, June 2, 2008

How To-20: "How to Create a List of Rhyming Words for a Poem or Song"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Lots of times you might want to write a poem or a song that rhymes, for a class or just for fun. Here is an easy way to come up with those rhymes without having to resort to a rhyming dictionary.


  1. Think of an ending to a word, such as -at or -on.
  2. Write it down so you remember it.
  3. Go through the alphabet and stick each letter to the beginning of the word. so for -at you would say that 'at' is already a word, then 'bat', 'cat','fat', 'hat', 'mat', 'nat', 'pat', 'rat', 'sat', 'tat', and 'vat' all are real words that rhyme with that ending.
  4. 4. Once you've gone through all the letters, try two letters a at a time, for example, 'flat', 'gnat', 'stat', 'that'...
  5. 5. Figure out where in your poem or song you can use these words


  • Choose an ending that isn't too common. for example, don't use -ing, because almost every verb out there ends in that.
  • If you're having real problems, ask your teacher if you can use a rhyming dictionary, which have lists of words that rhyme.
  • You can also google 'rhymes' or 'online rhyming dictionaries' and find online databases of words that rhyme, often which can be sorted by number of syllables, which is a nice feature

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