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Friday, December 7, 2007

Poem of the day-10: 'The Long-distance Runner' by Jimmy Avasia

This is the man of the night.
When it is dark, his despair finds eloquence.
When it is day, he carries it,
In his dead-pan manner.
He will never display,
This poetic terror on a banner.
This man has always been old.
He has always been aware,
That no future is permanent.
He is the genesis of despair,
Born as it were, in an obituary column.
This man is a whirlpool,
Caught in revolving doors.
He is churned in a circle of self-pity.
He and his life were banished once.
He is searching for bliss.
If it ever comes, it will be anonymous.
This man is, in a sense, destitute.
He wants a dose of happiness,
But they only give him truth.
This man walks to the sea,
Nursing his throat's perennial lump.
But he will not jump.
Courtesy: Debonair, Sep.1979


Unknown said...

hi--im jimmy avasia & am desperate to see the debonair page where you got this.
can you help please.

Unknown said...

this is my email address